Meet The PR Handler

Hi! I'm Jessica Gillespie, a multifaceted, multidimensional human being. Fluent in versatility, I've worn many hats— publicist, spokesperson, writer, media specialist, podcast host, on-camera talent, community builder, and event producer over the last 12 years of my professional career.

I've been behind the strategy and execution of successful PR projects and campaigns for clients in dining & hospitality, retail, the not-for-profit sectors, art & entertainment, and various creative fields. Exceptional at delivering strategic messaging, developing stories, and community building behind the scenes, the goal is always to bring the best out of my client's brands and make a potent and lasting impression that helps people connect. Results-driven and socially adept, I lead the right people to support, share and contribute to my client's mission, values, product, and most importantly, community.

The PR Handler's clients have achieved national features in top-tier publications, industry recognition, awards, and a presence on major digital platforms during their time on her client roster. 

Resume aside, I am a curious traveler, food & wine enthusiast, a deep appreciator of the arts, an occasional poet, and a narrative film and commercial actor (take a look here). I’m genetically engineered to seek connection with the people and world around me. Anyone who has known me as a business colleague, friend, or acquaintance would describe me like this: creative, a go-getter, fiercely independent, enthusiastic and passionate about community, hopelessly romantic, genuinely curious about people, and inspired by the endless possibilities to make the world (or even the room) a better place than I found it.